The wait is almost over!

Hi everyone, A couple of weeks ago, I was feeling comfortable enough to release my next custom bios before 2016. Then I postponed the release date to February. Right now I cannot commit on a release before March. I am sorry about this but you have to understand that it is also frustrated for me!…Continue readingThe wait is almost over!

The legend will never die

Hi, Our favorite console is definitely not dead and not even dying! Every year I am so surprised to see how many games, mods, prototypes, tools and accessories get released. I really like that system. I do not own any of the last generation consoles and I think it is better that way. I am…Continue readingThe legend will never die

Blood censor activated!

Hello everyone, Quick update regarding the next custom bios. I have been working a lot on this version (v1.032) but unfortunately, the most important changes will be barely noticeable for most players. At least, starting from the next version, it is going to be easier for me to make progress and offer what people have…Continue readingBlood censor activated!

Custom BIOS goes to version 1.031!

Hi there, I have been working quite a long time on that version. And not necessarily on the features that may sound hard. Changing from white to black the fade-in color when booting a GD-ROM took me a couple of hours. I was looking for something that does not exist in the code so that…Continue readingCustom BIOS goes to version 1.031!