You have mail!

Back from my vacations, I was contacted about a potential patch for the PAL versions of Dino Crisis. As with Resident Evil: Code Veronica, there are several PAL versions (UK, French, Spanish, Italian and German) and except for the UK one they are all localized with subtitles during the game and the FMV playback. Unfortunately,…Continue readingYou have mail!

Release: Custom BootROM v1.032

Hi there, A couple of months ago, I thought I was ready to release my new bios. Unfortunately for me, at that time, I was really busy and my bios mod started to show weaknesses. As I don’t have the right soldering equipment, I had to work with my Dreamcast and all its little faulty…Continue readingRelease: Custom BootROM v1.032

Beta bootstrap + reset: Mission complete

I feel like some people like to claim that it is impossible when they fail to overcome problems. Fortunately, their vision has a limited influence. If I listened to all the negative comments about my projects, I would probably end up being like their authors, spreading my frustration over the Internet. Anyway, that is not…Continue readingBeta bootstrap + reset: Mission complete

GDROM-Explorer: better late than never

Hi there, Pending the next BIOS release, I decided to update GDROM-Explorer. I received feedback some several people saying that some files were corrupted after extraction. Well that was a really silly bug, a piece of code I forgot about when I was doing some code refactoring a while ago 🙁 Thanks to tormod who…Continue readingGDROM-Explorer: better late than never