GDROM-Explorer: better late than never

Hi there,

Pending the next BIOS release, I decided to update GDROM-Explorer. I received feedback some several people saying that some files were corrupted after extraction. Well that was a really silly bug, a piece of code I forgot about when I was doing some code refactoring a while ago 🙁 Thanks to tormod who saved me a lot of time comparing files, I could easily nail down the problem. I am sorry for those who wasted time on this. The good news is that, even I took me more than a year to update my program, you finally have now a fixed version!!!


I have also been asked to add a new feature, a new file format to support (Thanks again tormod). This will come in another release (v1.7) planned for later this year.

Enjoy and see you soon!

4 replies on “GDROM-Explorer: better late than never”

Issues with custom-made GDis

Hi there! IlDucci here. I just got word that the GDIs I make with buildgdi and custom IP.BINs are not properly read with the latest iteration of GD-ROM Explorer. I’ve did a quick test and the tool says that the IPs are not correct.

Our custom IPs have changed the regions (So the discs are region free) and the WinCE logo with a custom one (For crediting the translation crew). The “victim” we’ve currently tested is Alone in the Dark 4, but I don’t know if this affects other releases such as What’s Shenmue, the Shenmue spanish translations or the Resident Evil one.


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