Resident Evil: Code Veronica EURO – 60Hz/VGA Patch

Enjoy the 60hz and VGA!
Need to patch other European versions… I’m thinking of the dutch and french ones. Are there any other versions?

Download: (get it from a more recent post, here)

23 replies on “Resident Evil: Code Veronica EURO – 60Hz/VGA Patch”

Re: Code Veronica Spanish

Can you correctly dump the game (GDI/MODE1) and send the link by email? If you do so, I will patch it. And yeah, TOSEC does not have that version. They may need dumps from other people to verify its hashes though.

Re: Code Veronica Spanish

Hello, I’ve both GDIs of the Spanish release of RE:Veronica. If you r interested in another games, just tell it to me. I use the httpd-ack method to dump the images of Dreamcast, I don’t know if it’s possible to select a mode 1 or not.

Re: Code Veronica Spanish

In case you don’t know how to dump your games, have a look at that post on dumpcast:
So if you can make the GDI dumps available, that would be perfect. I prefer working on GDI rather than cdi because I have little scripts that I use to inject my patches into the GDI image without having to rebuild the entire image. Thank you in advance

Re: Code Veronica Spanish

i have the spanish version ripped on cdi, you still need it?

Re: Code Veronica Spanish

there is a cdi image of spanish game on intet.


Hi, great work!
You themselves studied code, have found a place and a way to make compatibility with vga?
It is interesting to learn, similar corrections in code we saw in other game.

Congrats! great work! I was waiting for something like that!

Would be possible a bootcd, in order to use the original GDROMs?

Thank you very much!

A bootcd? well I have that in mind, either a bootcd or something totally automatic that patches the game from the bios 🙂 Need way more time to work on that though. I have many other things in the pipe right now but yeah that is something I want to do in the future.

So, could you take a look of this? If you couldn’t, I am thinking to do a bootcd with vga patch myself, that seems not too difficult! How do you see it?

Regarding RE:Veronica Pal Esp

Hi, good morning!I can dump my RE:V pal Esp and send it to you . I dump the images by httpd_ack method. I hope that you can use it for your patch method.

Since whatever we do on that game it won’t work with light guns on any LCD display, that game is kind of really at the bottom of my list, I’m sorry. But I will think about it when I get lasy one day and I want to publish a, what I think is, “easy” patch 😉

How can I patch?

How can I patch the game? Any tutorials available? Thank you very much, you have done an extraordinary job!

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