Custom Bios v1.033 and keyboard support

In bios Keyboard support on is way. Not that trivial though! I dunno why they did not support it as sdk functions are there ready to be used Imported from TwitterContinue readingCustom Bios v1.033 and keyboard support

Release and procrastination

1/2 I’m pretty bad at being responsive lately, sorry about that! As soon as I can make time, I will release my project one by one. 2/2 Working on a new bios with new UI for custom settings and keyboard support in the bios menu, for #pso fan boys 🙂 #dreamcast Imported from TwitterContinue readingRelease and procrastination

Bleem! 1st hack attempt

Guess what I’ve found in the framebuffer of my #dreamcast? Imported from TwitterContinue readingBleem! 1st hack attempt