1st post

Hello dreamcast nerd,

I try to have time to spare but because of my exams it’s really difficult. Anyway, for my 1st post, I want to give a glimpse of my dreamcast works.

I’m working on a package helping you to develop your own dc app using the official sega sdk. It will make easier to compile,  to debug your code and to crack your program.

I’ve made first version of tools I though usefull:

  • Dreamcast BIN Patcher: patch ip.bin and bootfile for application developed with Sega SDK (such as retail games). It can be comparable to binhack and hack4.
  • gdi2cue Converter: for those who try to extract files from gdi file. It creates a cue file that can be used by daemon-tool and isobuster.
  • GD-Loader: it’s a kind of regionfree boot loader. You can try it sending 0load.bin file to your dc via bba or serial interface.

I need feedbacks to improve my programs. I hope people will tell me what is wrong or what should be added. By the way, I’m sorry for my bad english but it’s late 🙂

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